Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Theological Pet Peeves; also, a Rejection of my Earlier Thinking

First, a little bit of personal stuff from me, about the softening of one of my pet peeves (and thus its rephrasing on the list, to exclude the item I'm about to discuss. In all honesty this began with my annoyance of the notion of something being treated as a very specifically interpretable mandate when in fact it seemed to me a more general principle. I speak of the interpretation of the phrase "no unwholesome talk" as meaning "never ever ever cuss or swear," with which I take serious issue based on the fact that words are unwholesome dependent only on context. And, if you look at the verse as a whole it seems to point more to the notion of how we treat each other rather than the notion of what words we're using.

Partly using my reinterpretation of this verse (which, by the way, I do not take as a "license to cuss all the time" so much as the thought that we are allowed to in some circumstances and in others should not.) But essentially I took it way too far; now I ought to bring it back. I violated one of the Big Ten, and if you're following this story you know exactly which one I mean.

This is not a concession to those viewpoints which take that verse as a mandate never to use a word that has been defined as "bad" by society. This is however a concession that, perhaps, that has more to do with things than I would like to believe--and that based on my experience I ought to rethink exactly what ethical implications such a verse has for our lives.

So I'm making a list of theological pet peeves. Here's the two big ones:
* A piece of moral code being treated as if it were a Scriptural mandate when in fact it is in truth derived from tradition and not from Scripture.
* The notion that, if good doctrine isn't absolute necessity for Salvation, we ought not to really care all that much about it.
What are your religious/theological pet peeves?

Whoohoo. Time to go do some math.


L-Po said...

Holy crap, Bat Boy!

Anonymous said...

Hey now, my Catholic Answers friends would say that scripture and tradition are both the Word of God. Of course, they'd be talking about Catholic tradition.

Dan Lower said...

I know this. However, I was referring to Onan, one of the most misused Scriptural passages in the whole of Protestant moral theology.

Anonymous said...

Well, I can't disagree with anyone who says that the interpretation of the Onan passage has been, at the very least, a significant example of overreaching.