Saturday, August 27, 2005

I'm at UP!

Here I am in Kenna hall, making my first on-campus blog post. I haven't blogged in a couple of days due to the Service Plunge, but I am blogging now. It's been a fun couple of days and I'll explain more later; lots of orientation stuff long gone now, and lots more to go. One of those weekends that feels like a week--it's that cool and that scary. I've made a few (defined as 3+) new friends and I'm sure their names will pop up on this blog sometime. Anyway, I have to go, because I must:

A) Pee.
B) Get water.
C) Meet friends in the downstairs lounge.

Post all of your mom/dad/aunt/relative/friend questions here; if I can I will answer them here. Chances are I'll be able to!


L-Po said...

Have you shaved? Interested mothers want to know.

Anonymous said...

Did you take your vitamines? Did you shave (notice the clean faces of your male friends)? Did you make a plan for how you're going to get up on Monday? (I think you should be in charge of getting up--emphasis on the GETTING UP--and turning off the alarm, since you're on the bottom bunk.)
And most importantly, did you cry yourself to sleep last night when you realized that your loving parents weren't there to tuck you in, read you a story, and sing you bed-night songs like usual?

L-Po said...

Have you pooped since Wednesday? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

my dearest, most delightful, most deliciously wonderful Daniel. a man has to do what a man has to do.